MDIP LLC is a boutique intellectual property law firm located in the biotech rich Washington, DC suburb of Montgomery County, Maryland. We will provide you with efficient legal services delivered with flexibility to accommodate your needs, particularly in the areas of patent procurement and strategic analysis for managing your intellectual property assets.

Our academic and commercial research experience, coupled with our intimate knowledge of the science of past and present clients, position MDIP LLC to readily gain command of a range of technologies, particularly in the chemistry and biology arts.

We are a resource for our local clients from, for example, Frederick and Baltimore in Maryland; Pennsylvania; Virginia; and Delaware.

Proximity to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office provides us ready access to Examiners to facilitate prosecution and allows us to be involved with the operations and activities of the Patent Office.

With nearly twenty years of experience in various aspects of intellectual property law and areas that impinge on intellectual property assets, MDIP LLC offers a range of personal relationships with patent professionals around the world to assist you in developing and executing a patent portfolio optimized for your business needs and goals.

As with any form of commerce, intellectual property rights can be conveyed. MDIP LLC is experienced in licensing technology in and out of companies and universities, as well as in asset acquisition and sale, having dealt with universities, foreign entities, and small and large companies.

MDIP LLC will assist you in developing a tailored intellectual property strategy. Next to you, your intellectual property often is the key asset of your company, and we stand ready to implement your intellectual property strategy.

Phone: 202.412.6986
Fax: 301.560.2034